The concept of the design derives from the feeling of a whole journey. The linear interior space represents the process of the journey. At the beginning of the travel, people may need to do some preparations and the function room in concert with the first stage of the travel. It cannot be avoided that people may experience a hard time of the journey, but this stage is exactly the most unique and memorable part. Then, with the strong mind and devout spirit, travelers keep climbing over the third stage—we could see that the destination is very near and the condition becomes better than every previous day. Finally, people could attend the most bright and open space to enjoy the ultimate beauty of the journey. The design tries to express the feeling of the traveler through different spaces.


The project, located further outside of the city of Milan, appears as an abandoned building with either active outside area or the accessible interior space. The buildings on the surrounding blocks have the same height and the similar size which indicates that the renovation should respect the current condition in this area. The original building consists a factory with slope roof in the west and a five-story office building in the east.

The renovation project is aimed at reforming the abandoned area in Milan by increasing the vitality of the whole block through reconstruction and redesign. The proposal of a multi-function community center can fulfill the need of the citizens living around and attract people who live far away. In the process, I used old-new contrast method and combined with the complexity of demanding.


This is an experimental museum of social media interaction by applying AR, VR, MR and robot arm technologies. The aim of this museum is exploring contemporary issues and opportunities in local and global cultural trends. In order to realize the concept of the museum, we plan to create a purely physical space with an aggregation of simple geometries, compared to the info overloaded virtual world.
We choose mixed reality experience as an example to make a full-scale installation for people to experience in real life. Besides, a 1:75 whole museum model was made for TV projection from bottom to show the overall experience inside.


The Design Within Reach Store in West Hollywood was used as a site of exploration that serves as a spatial interface to provide various levels of immersion and interaction during the retail experience. Our objective is to use machine intelligence as a vehicle to choreograph and facilitate specific architectural scenarios. Extended Reality is a contemporary umbrella term used to describe numerous vision and media technologies used to integrate digital and physical worlds. In this showroom design project, we introduced Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality and other vision-based methods as they create spatial interactions between digital content and the user.


This project aims in exploring playful behaviour with voxelised environment of non-humanoid fibrous avatars through inverse kinematic and explore technicality of movement and interaction with programming.


This project takes the LA City Hall, located in Los Angeles as the experimental object and it is an attempt to apply artistic styles to architectural design by using CNN, which is an artificial intelligence algorithm and it can integrate the artist’s artworks with architectural pictures together. Machine learning technique enables architects to obtain unpredicted results and widely explore the potential of architectural design.

Photogrammetry with KUKA

Inspired by Bot & Dolly, as they utilize large industrial robots to shoot film, we are looking forward to experimenting with the Kuka KR150 robots at UCLA_IDEAS CAMPUS to capture objects for photogrammetry. The robot could hold the camera and approach the objects from certain distance and angle with precision. This gives us more freedom to design the process of shooting and have control over the reconstruction outcome.


HongKong is the ultimate form of “super density”, and what’s more astonishing is that its densification still increase. Its evolution is a process of continuous hybridization, coexist, and reinvention.The crowding, restriction, pressure, and the overloaded use of land caused by high density have caused the uncomfortableness to mask the changing interest of the time and multi-dimensional physical space. In limited plots, the potential of vertical direction seems to have been exhausted when the building has been repeatedly copied along with the boundary of the plot. Stacking, which means the programs are mixed in unusual ways based on the principle of efficiency and benefit.

3S Tower

On the final day of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) 21st Conference of Parties (COP21) in Paris, the countries of the world reached an agreement to combat climate change and make investment towards a low carbon future. In recent years, the environment issue has been one of the most concerned questions. The over-exploitation of the resources like coal, gas and petroleum caused pollution, raising the temperature and other related problems. People have already made some actions like making studies on electrical driven vehicle and explore more ways to use free resources like wind, solar and tide. As long as people make attention to the urgent problem, we can save our future and correct the improper behaviors we perform to nature. In the following pages, I show my study of solar energy and the idea of combining living style with the technical method together to realize the full-aspect self-sufficiency living in a high rise building.



The main goal of this project is to implement the Arduino into the robotic fabrication to create a master-slave workflow. Through Digital/Analog IO, Arduino could not only accept commands from robot and revert the information back to robot, but also transfer digital data for undergoing more complicated task.In this way, the robotic system could simply have add-on applications for a certain automatic process in low budget.All participants worked together to design and establish a robotic system and construct a reciprocal structure by the supplement produced from this automatic robotic workstation.

Despina - DESIRE

Camel driver: Despina, city like the ship, please wait for me, at the end of the desert. Despina, please take me away from the sand.

Sailor: Despina, city like the oases, please wait for me, at the end of the misty ocean. Despina, please take me away from the desert of the sea.