Hong Kong was a colony of the United Kingdom, ruled by a governor for 156 years until 1997, when it was returned to Chinese sovereignty. China had to accept some conditions, such as the drafting and adoption of Hong Kong’s mini-constitution before its return. The Basic Law ensured Hong Kong will retain its capitalist economic system and own currency (the Hong Kong Dollar), legal system, legislative system, and people’s rights and freedom for fifty years, as a special administrative region of China. Deng Xiaoping, China’s supreme leader at the time said, “When the terms expire, China will surely recover its sovereignty over Hong Kong.” Deng asked investors in Hong Kong “not to worry,” indicating that China will deal with the issue under the “one country, two systems” principle. It has been past twenty years and Hong Kong developed in a great rapid speed. Several urban problems have appeared, such as: the crowding housing, the pollution caused by a great number of people, the traffic congestion, the exhausted land resource and they even have to face the problem of the land rights policy when the next thirty years come. The discussion of a series of problem arrived at the future vision of the city. In the perspective of an architect, we could use the professional method to propose our own plan.








Based on the statistics of the whole site, the buildings were classified into five functions. The reintegration of the city need a rule to re-associate each functions, so these five functional were refined into blocks and the module was introduced  into the following design.


Every new proposal needs a rule as the restriction of the development. Based on the function,  several uses in the area and rearrange were analyzed into the functional box to form the new city image.


Each group was constituted by different functional combinations. The number of functional varied as the different definition given by each group. The final forms are listed below and the function are represented by different colors.


After calculating the number of units according to the reconstruction of varied functions,  LEGO — the modular material were chosen to realize the design in model. The transparent square blocks represents the core of each building and there are five other sizes to symbol the divergent functions. The rails, served for connecting each cluster, are placed in the midair to realized the air transportation.

If Hong Kong continues to maintain a high-density urban form, we need think about a way of thorough and radical changes, breaking the limitation of the existing way of walking. We try to convert the disadvantage of terrain into the favorable conditions of space and strive for more breathing space in the form of folding according to the high and low density of mixed mode. The architecture will slowly change the behavior of people in space and improve the relationship between environment and architecture. These changes make Hong Kong’s city life an endless intention. Life is no longer just limited to the cross between floor and floor. Spatial experience full of suspense effect of shifting, overcoming the problem of boredom and restriction.